امیر پیام -نامه سرگشاده رادیوپیام کانادا در اعتراض به حضور دوباره عبدالکریم سروش در تورنتو و استفاده از کتابخانه عمومی برای سخنرانی هایش‎ 

نامه سرگشاده رادیوپیام کانادا در اعتراض به حضور دوباره عبدالکریم سروش در تورنتو و استفاده از کتابخانه عمومی برای سخنرانی هایش


رالف گودآل: وزیر امنیت و آمادگی‌های اضطراری کانادا؛

سیلویا جونز: وزیر گردشگری، فرهنگ و ورزش استان آنتاریو،

خانم سو گراهام ـ نوتتر: رئیس هیئت مدیره کتابخانه عمومی تورنتو،

داگ فورد، نخست‌وزیر استان آنتاریو

متاسفانه مسئولین کتابخانه با تمام قوا تلاش کردند که مانع نزدیک شدن معترضین به جلسه شوند و کاملا به درخواست معترضین جهت کنسل کردن سالن سخنرانی بی توجهی نمودند. مسئولین کتابخانه عمومی تورنتو با پهن کردن فرش قرمز برای سروش عملا در کنار این جانی ایستادند.

بخاطر این افتضاح، ما از وزیر مسئول در خواست عزل دو مقام عالیرتبه کتابخانه را نمودیم. ما همچنین خواهان یک تحقیق و تفحص برای روش شدن قرارداد بین سروش، بنیاد سهروردی (متعلق به پسر سروش) و کتابخانه تورنتو شده و خواهان انتشار این تحقیق شدیم.

در ادامه، ضمن یادآوری به تروریست خواندن جمهوری اسلامی و به رسمیت شناختن قتلعام دهه شصت، خواهان عدم اجازه عاملان و آمران جمهوری اسلامی به کانادا شدیم. کانادا نباید به حیات خلوت مسئولین سابق و فعلی و آقازاده های جمهوری اسلامی تبدیل گردد.

متن نامه انگلیسی را میتوانید از طریق لینک ملاحظه نمائید.

رادیو پیام کانادا ـ ۲۲ جولای ۲۰۱۸

Toronto Public Library hosted a criminal on the red carpet

Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Honourable Sylvia Jones
Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport

The Honourable Ralph Goodale
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Ms. Sue Graham-Nutter
Chair of the Toronto Public Library Board

CC: Premier Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario,
Ms. Bowles, City Librarian,
Mr. Hosseini-Ara, Branch Operations & Customer Experience

Sent via email

Subject: An Open Letter to Ministers regarding Toronto Public Library hosted the criminal in red carpet.

Dear Ministers Goodale and Jones and Ms. Graham-Nutter

For the second time Mr. Abdolkarim Soroush, former director of the Islamic Culture Group, has held events in the Toronto Public Library (TPL). The first time was on March 23-25, 2018 at the Fairview Mall Library. He had to cancel his last session and relocated it to a private place because of protesters from the opposition groups of Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). Soroush had the same experience with protesters in Cologne Germany on June 27, 2018. Abdolkarim Soroush, however, returned to Toronto to hold more events on July 12, 2018. Individuals and organizations contacted TPL Administration and the Manager of Fairview Library by phone and email and requested they cancel his events. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Instead TPL hired GardaWorld, an external security guards’ company, along with two Managers and staff, to make sure Soroush’s sessions were delivered without any disruptions.

Abdolkarim Soroush is a former director of the Islamic Culture Group, a group directed by the Cultural Revolutionary Headquarters and later by the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council. The revolution initially closed universities for three years (1980–1983) and, after reopening, banned many books and purged thousands of students and lecturers from the schools. Many students who resisted the closing of universities and the new purging of non-Islamic students and academics were beaten, injured and even killed during this time. Others were arrested for their membership in opposition political organizations or for opposing the Islamic Regime. Abdolkarim Soroush resigned as head of the Islamic Culture Group In 1983; however, he never regretted, apologized or acknowledged the damage he did during his appointment.

The question is, what was TPL’s interest in Soroush’s lectures?

According to the TPL Community and Event Space Rental Policy: “the Library reserves the right to deny or cancel a booking when it reasonably believes: use by any individual or group will be for a purpose that is likely to promote, or would have the effect of promoting discrimination, contempt or hatred for any group or person on the basis of race, ethnic origin, place of origin, citizenship, colour, ancestry, language, creed (religion), age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, disability, political affiliation, membership in a union or staff association, receipt of public assistance, level of literacy or any other similar factor.”

As results of this scandal, we are demanding:

– Vickery Bowles, City Librarian and Mr. Hosseini-Ara, Director Branch Operations & Customer Experience, both step down from their positions.
– A full investigation into the contract/agreements between TPL and Suhrawardi Foundation (Soroush son) be launched and that the report of this investigation be made public.

On June 12, 2018 the Canadian government sided with an opposition motion in parliament demanding that Ottawa “immediately cease all negotiations or discussions” on restoring diplomatic relations with Iran. Canada also recognize the 1988 Iran political prisoner massacre as a ‘crime against humanity’. We are asking Canada to not become a safe environment for current and former IRI’s agents. They should not be allowed to open foundations and organizations, lectured in public or engage in any activities. Mr. Soroush should face trial for crimes against humanity and not be protected by any Canadian organizations, especially public libraries.

Sincerely Yours,
Radio Payam Canada


Radio Payam

URL: www.radiopayam.ca

Email: news@radiopayam.ca